Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Everyone always face tough decisions to pick and might even regretting picking the wrong one. For me, yes I am, facing a big problem, choosing which path I should take. This blog is not meant for asking readers' opinions but just to express my feelings. Now I would like to say, I MIGHT choose to leave this place. To be honest, this place seriously is not meant for me. I'm just an outsider here, facing huge issues coping with things over here. Maybe I'm just can't be independent enough to face all these things yet but what I can say is, I'm proud of myself that I faced this before. Seriously, Australia had left me with tonnes of scars that I don't wish to have. I'm not that type of person that actually can stand up straight after I fell. Call me pussy or BFLV or primary school childish minded or whatever you want, this is Kent. This is just me, I can't move on. I want to leave Australia and return home to Malaysia, as soon as I have sufficient qualifications to enter a decent university in Malaysia. The best I can aimed for is getting into Monash, Malaysia campus which requires all my best shots that I can do now. Or I'll just slack and get into UTAR next year.

Screaming for once and for all, never again and never get involved again.
Kent, Reverting.

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